What Education Do You Need to Become a Digital Marketer?

No specific university degree is required to become a digital marketer but many job postings require a bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma. Learn more about what education is needed for digital marketing.

What Education Do You Need to Become a Digital Marketer?

No specific university degree is required to become a digital marketer, but many job postings require a bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma. A degree in marketing, communications, or graphic design is typically needed to become a digital marketing specialist. People must demonstrate exceptional skills on the Internet and have the ability to effectively communicate with their customer audience. Work experience in a marketing-related field is preferred.

Before looking for marketing positions or investing in marketing education, it's important to assess your current personality and skills to ensure that the marketing field is right for you. The skills you learn by earning those degrees may be similar to those you need as a digital marketer. Digital marketers are responsible for creating and maintaining digital marketing materials, such as banners, emails, and websites for a company. By generating valuable content, digital marketers interact with customers, generate leads and sales, and increase a company's visibility through organic web traffic.

The functions of a digital marketing manager are to manage content, community, social media and usability. Tasks that are specific to the digital market include the use of social media platforms, the design of multimedia materials for campaigns, and the creation of websites, advertisements and email marketing materials. If you're still in high school, you might want to focus on classes related to digital marketing, such as graphic design, creative writing, advertising, and web design. The job responsibilities of digital marketers are to help create awareness and interest in the company's products or services. According to Gartner's annual digital marketing survey, conducted by Gartner Inc., a major advertising and media company, you'll not only gain the fundamental skills, knowledge base, and confidence you need to embark on a rewarding career in digital marketing (and be useful in the workplace), but you'll also gain a practical understanding of the key principles or areas that make up the vast majority of digital marketing jobs. Instead of eating alone (or with the same people), use that time to meet with other digital marketing professionals.

While there is no definitive route to becoming a digital marketer or getting your first job in this field, most employers will want to verify that you've validated your skills by successfully completing an industry-recognized introductory digital marketing course.