What Education is Needed to Become a Digital Marketer?

Learn about the educational requirements for becoming a successful digital marketer. Find out what courses and degrees are available and how they can help you land the job of your dreams.

What Education is Needed to Become a Digital Marketer?

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing field, and those who are interested in pursuing a career in this area need to understand the educational requirements. While there is no mandatory qualification required to work in digital marketing, having a degree in marketing, communications, or graphic design can be beneficial. Additionally, practical experience in SEO and marketing can help increase hiring opportunities. For those who want to be competitive in their job search, a bachelor's degree is usually the minimum educational requirement for digital marketers.

Common areas of study include Marketing, Business, Communication, and Graphic Design. It is also possible to transition to a career as a digital marketer based on the transferable skills you developed in another field, as long as you have also acquired the skills that a digital marketer needs to possess. Entry-level positions in the digital marketing space may include marketing coordinators, marketing analysts, and marketing specialists. To gain an even better understanding of the topic of digital marketing manager education, we analyzed 5,013 resumes of digital marketing managers. We found that many of them had completed mini online courses that allowed them to learn at their own pace and gain an accredited qualification in a specific area of digital marketing.

This type of education can significantly increase your chances of getting a rewarding digital marketing job. The work of a digital marketer takes many forms, but basically it's any way in which brands use digital resources to reach and connect with customers. This includes search engine optimization (SEO), social media campaigns, email campaigns, content marketing, and more. To become successful in this field, you need to master the digital marketing strategy, SEO, advertising, social media marketing, email, analytics and content marketing. In short, while no mandatory qualification is required to work in digital marketing, by successfully enrolling and completing a comprehensive and accredited digital marketing course or degree program you will exponentially increase your chances of landing the digital marketing job of your dreams. A degree in marketing, advertising, communication or journalism can help lay the foundation you'll need in your role as a digital marketer.